File # PZ 21-011
PETITION: Special Use application to allow a food pantry located at 4037 Austell Powder
Springs Road within the Community Retail Commercial (CRC) zoning district in Land
Lots 905, 19th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia.
PURPOSE OF THE REQUEST: Permitted and Special Use Table (Table 2-3) requires a Special Use approval for the operation of a food pantry in the Community Retail Commercial (CRC) zoning district.
LOCATION: 4037 Austell Powder Springs, Land Lots 905, 19th Districts, Powder Springs, Georgia.
ACRES: 0.33 acres Parcel ID #:19090500680 Zoning: CRC
Staff Recommendation: Approval
Prepared By: Community Development

Location Map
Background Information:
The subject site is located at 4037 Austell Powder Springs Road within the CRC zoning district. The applicant has been operating a food pantry at the subject site since January 2012. According to Table 2-3 (Permitted and Special Uses in Mixed-Use and Non-residential Zoning Districts) of the Unified Development Code a community food/housing shelter within the Community Retail Commercial (CRC) zoning district requires a special use approval. To date, the City has no records of a special use approval for a food pantry at this location. Though the operation has been going on for several years, the applicant is now going through the legal channels of requesting approval for her food pantry operation.
Surrounding Area: The subject site is surrounded by various zoning districts and land use activities. Located to the east are single-family residences within the residential (R-15) zoning district; located to the west of the subject site is a daycare, church, and retail store within the CRC zoning district. North of the site consists of offices and vacant buildings within the CRC and Office Institutional (OI) zoning district.
Special Use approval requests are reviewed by criteria set forth in Article 13 of the Unified Development Code. Based on the analysis in this staff recommendation, this application meets the requirements of Special Use Approval, subject to the stipulations provided.
Table 2-3 of the Unified Development Code (UDC) indicates that a Special Use approval by the Mayor and City Council must be granted prior to the establishment of a "community food shelter” in the CRC zoning district.
The application should be reviewed against the following standards:
a. Will the proposed special use be consistent with the stated purpose of the zoning district in which it will be located?
The CRC district is to provide for commercial uses that serves a citywide and regional market. The food pantry is currently operating in conjunction with a used merchandise store in which a portion of the sales is used to fund the food pantry operation. Both uses goes hand in hand and is uniquely positioned to provide community services that can be supported by the city and adjacent cities. The proposed use is consistent with the intent of the CRC zoning district.
b. Will the establishment of the special use not impede the normal and orderly development of the surrounding property for uses predominate in the area?
The subject site is located along Austell Powder Springs Road surrounded by predominantly commercial uses, there will be no expansion or construction activities. The food pantry is currently operating from an existing retail store and food distribution is only on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. the applicant has indicated that in the event of overflow a nearby church parking lot is used to distribute food. The food pantry has been in operation for many years and is not anticipated to impede the normal and orderly development of the surrounding commercial uses. Staff notes that the site is located just west of an established residential development. The applicant shall ensure that there are no impacts to this residential area. As such, no vehicle stacking or traffic is permitted on Louise Street and the site shall be kept clear of debris and litter.
c. Is the location and character of the proposed special use consistent with a desirable pattern of development in general?
The subject site is surrounded by commercial activities inclusive of a thrift store, fast food restaurants, daycare facility and a few nearby offices. This commercial node is also surrounded by residential activity which ranges from lower to middle income families. The existing food pantry will support the surrounding uses and is consistent with the desirable pattern of the surrounding area. The proposed request is consistent with the requirement of the Unified Development Code.
d. Is or will the type of street providing access to the use be adequate to serve the proposed special use?
The subject site is located along an arterial road (Austell Powder Springs) within a commercial zoning district. The distribution of food only occurs on Saturday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. The existing access along Austell Powder Springs road appears to be adequate to facilitate the food pantry operation. The applicant has also indicated a nearby parking lot is used to facilitate overflow. Traffic is not permitted to stack on Louise Street.
e. Is or will access into and out of the property be adequate to provide for traffic and pedestrian safety, the anticipated volume of traffic flow, and access by emergency vehicles?
There is a parking lot to accommodate parking and traffic flow. In the event, there is an overflow a nearby shopping center parking lot is also used to accommodate distribution. The stipulations will also prohibit vehicle stacking along public roads.
f. Are or will public facilities such as schools, water or sewer utilities, and police or fire protection be adequate to serve the special use?
The proposed use will not have any impact on school capacity. Impact on water and sewer capacity is anticipated to be minimal. No other public utilities should be negatively affected.
g. Are or will refuse, service, parking, and loading areas on the property be located or screened to protect other properties in the area from such adverse effects as noise, light, glare, or odor?
The adjacent properties are predominantly commercial. The nearby single-family residences are located to the rear of the building, offsite impacts such as light, vehicular activity should be minimal.
h. Will the hours and manner of operation of the special use have no adverse effects on other properties in the area?
The area is predominantly commercial, the operation appears to have minimal impact on the adjacent uses.
i. Will the height, size or location of the buildings or other structures on the property be compatible with the height, size or location of buildings or other structures on neighboring properties?
The existing building is consistent and compatible with the surrounding architecture, height, and size of other buildings. No additional construction is permitted with this application.
Fiscal Impact: The proposed request should not have any negative economic impact on the City of Powder Springs as infrastructure and services are already in place to serve the already existing operation.
Summary and Recommendation:
Staff recommends approval of PZ 21-011 with the following conditions:
1. This Special Use approval is for a food pantry located at 4037 Austell Powder Springs Road.
2. There shall be no vehicle stacking along any public streets to gain access to the pantry.
3. The site shall be kept free of trash, debris and outdoor storage.