Action Summary:
Resolution to approve Fall 2024 Business Beautification Grants
MIT Supported - Mark All Applicable
☐ Critical Staffing Needs (staffing shortages, retention)
☐ Financial Stability/Sustainability (diverse tax base)
☐ Safety & Protecting Community (code enforcement, stormwater)
☒ Commercial Development
☐ Downtown Development
☐ Tourism (increase share; museum should equitably represent community; events)
☐ Downtown Parking (address parking needs)
☐ Youth Program/Council (community center for youth and seniors; learning gap)
☐ Prepare for Growth and Development (infrastructure in place; annexation; curb cuts; recycling, signage)
Staff Notes
City staff solicited proposals from local businesses for grants to support projects that improve the appearance and beautification of business locations in the city limits. Local businesses submitted four applications. Staff has reviewed the applications for compliance with the program requirements and recommend all four for approval. The total amount of the grants recommended is $10,195.
The following grants are recommended for approval:
A) Artz for the Harp, 3852 New Macland Road - front entrance and landscape improvements - grant amount $2,935
B) Caterpillar Clubhouse Academy, 3840 New Macland Road - install front porch iron railings - grant amount $1,260
C) Rid Property Services, 4060 Austell-Powder Springs Road - add gate, decorative columns, and upgrade fencing - grant amount $4,000
D) Skint Chestnut Brewery, 3886 Broad Street, Suite 100 - install wooden hanging sign - grant amount $2,000