Action Summary:
This is a resolution to enter into a license agreement with JusticeOne to upgrade the current municipal court sotware
MIT Supported - Mark All Applicable
☐ Critical Staffing Needs (staffing shortages, retention)
☐ Financial Stability/Sustainability (diverse tax base)
☒ Safety & Protecting Community (code enforcement, stormwater)
☐ Commercial Development
☐ Downtown Development
☐ Tourism (increase share; museum should equitably represent community; events)
☐ Downtown Parking (address parking needs)
☐ Youth Program/Council (community center for youth and seniors; learning gap)
☒ Prepare for Growth and Development (infrastructure in place; annexation; curb cuts; recycling, signage)
Staff Notes
The software currently in use by the municipal court operates from a local server and frequently causes court processing issues due to the limited capacity of this legacy program. JusticeOne is the cloud-based version of the software the court system uses now. Transitioning to this updated version will improved the efficiency of the courts operations and provide an upgrade to the current operable but outdated software in use.