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File #: PZ 22--012    Version: 1
Type: Rezoning Status: Passed
File created: 3/29/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: Final action: 5/16/2022
Title: Rezoning Request: 4975 and 5001 Hill Road SW. To rezone from R-20 in the County and NRC in the City to MXU in the City.
Attachments: 1. PZ 22 - 012. Motion to table.doc, 2. Renderings. Hill Road.pdf, 3. Site Plan - 03-14-2022.pdf, 4. Site Plan Update 4-6-22. With courts facing HWY 278, 5. Vicinity Map (Zoning).pdf, 6. 5001 Hill Road Non-objection.pdf, 7. Application for Rezoning - 03-22-2022.pdf, 8. Application for Annexation (Braddy Property) - 03-22-2022.pdf, 9. Illustrated site plan, 10. Signed PZ 22-012 Motion to table to 05-16-22.pdf, 11. PZ 22 - 012. DRAFT MOTION.doc, 12. PZ 22 - 012. MOTION_05162022.pdf, 13. Powder Springs Zoning Presentation - Comp Homes.pdf, 14. PZ 22 - 012. MOTION. with addendums from the motion to approve.doc, 15. Signed PZ 22-012 with stipulation revisions.pdf, 16. Signed PZ 22-012 with revisions.pdf
Related files: RPT 23-073, RPT 24-080, PZ 25-004
APPLICANT: Trilogy - Matt Cotton and John Boniface. Represented by Kevin Moore.
REZONING REQUEST: To rezone from R-20 in the County and NRC in the City to MXU in the City.
LOCATION: 4975 and 5001 Hill Road SW, within land lots 952, 953, and 972 of the 19th District, 2nd Section, and Cobb County, Georgia.
ZONING: R-20 (County) and NRC (City) ACRES: 16.53 ac PINs: 19095300070, 19095300060.
Staff Recommendation: APPROVAL. Planning and Zoning Recommendation: APPROVAL.

BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to develop a mixed-use development comprising of 122 for rent townhome units at a density of 7.38 units per acre, and a sports club, office and restaurant space of area 24,000 SF approx. City has received the Notice of Non-Objection from the County regarding the annexation of 5001 Hill Road SW, the portion of the proposed site that is in the county.
The City Council approved the rezoning of 4975 Hill Road from R20 to NRC on 02/07/2005. The approved site plan and stipulations are in include in the appendix, and shows the property subdivided into 9 lots, with the intent of marketing as offices, gift shops, etc.
On June 1st, 2009, the City Council approved variance requests for lot 5 to reduce lot frontages from the 75-foot required minimum, to reduce lot width at the setback where the minimum is 75 feet, and to allow access to a property by means of private drive where public street access is required. The applicant was interested in building a church on lot 5 (southern area of tract), and requested the variances for access because he was denied a curb cut on Hwy 278.
The comprehensive plan's future land use designation for the area is Neighborhood Activity Center. The residential density proposed of 7.38 du/a, and the floor area ratio for commercial and office of 0.033, comply with development code provisions for MXU maximum residential density and intensity of commercial to office.
The applicant is not requesting variances...

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