APPLICANT: Pastor Timothy Parker II, ARK Ministries.
VARIANCE: To vary section 4-70 (b) minimum dedicated acreage requirements, to allow a church.
LOCATION: 4110 Austell Powder Springs Road, Suite 160
ZONING: CRC PIN: 19094600260
Staff Recommendation: Approval. Planning and Zoning:
BACKGROUND: ARK Ministries, a nonprofit organization, is seeking a variance to the minimum lot size requirement for establishing a church at 4110 Austell Powder Springs Road, Suite 160, a 1,700-square-foot space within a retail commercial center. According to the Unified Development Code (UDC), Section 4-70(b), churches or places of worship must be situated on a lot with a minimum area of 2 acres dedicated to the use. However, the subject property is part of a retail center and does not meet this requirement.
The primary use of the subject suite is oriented toward educational activities, specifically the Fast Track General Education Development (GED) program. This program is intended to prepare participants, including adults and high school students, for career opportunities. The Fast Track program aligns with the provisions for schools in the CRC zoning district as outlined in Section 4-260, which allows private schools by right.
Ark Ministries has outlined its intent to offer a combination of educational and spiritual support services, which include a weekly worship service on Sundays and the Fast Track program throughout the week. The program focuses on developing trade skills in areas such as construction, electrical work, plumbing, agricultural practices, mortuary services, carpentry, and IT. The organization's goal is to provide a community-based approach to education and job readiness, aiming to support individuals and families in need.
Mr. Timothy Parker, representing Ark Ministries, emphasizes the organization's mission to serve as a community resource, similar in spirit to local aid organizations lik...
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