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File #: PZ 21--048    Version: 2
Type: Rezoning Status: Work Session Ready
File created: 11/2/2021 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/10/2021 Final action: 11/10/2021
Title: Rezoning Request: 5550 and 5556 Story Road. To consider rezoning from R-30 in the County to R-15 (Conservation) in the City. 1st Reading 11/15/2021
Attachments: 1. Application for Rezoning, 2. Site Survey 10202021, 3. Proposed Site Plan 10202021, 4. Parcel Map. Story Road.pdf, 5. Cobb County Signed_Basis_of_Objection_5550_Story_Rd_2021_11.pdf
Related files: RES0 24-184

APPLICANT: David Pearson Communities, LLC.

PETITION: To consider rezoning from R-30 in the County to PUD-R in the City.

LOCATION: 5550 Story Road, within land lots 820, 821, 883, 882 of the 19th District, 2nd Section, and Cobb County, Georgia

ZONING: R-30 (Cobb) ACRES: 46.02. Proposed Density: 3.3 units/ac. PIN: 19088300010.

STAFF RECCOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends TABLING to allow time for informal negotiations with the County.

BACKGROUND: The applicant proposes developing 152 residential units in a subdivision development. The proposed density is 3.3 units per acre. The county has submitted a Notice of Intent to Object (dated 11/19/2021 - full notice attached in the appendix) for the following reasons:
1. The proposed density of 3.33 units/acre exceeds the allowed density cap of 2 units/acre in the HB 489 agreement for this area. The Cobb County Future Land Use Plan indicates this parcel as Very Low Density Residential (VLDR). This category has a recommended density of 0-2 units/acre in the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan. The HB 489 intergovernmental agreement between the city and the county limits the city upon annexation to 2 units/acre for VLDR. The agreement also indicates that PUD-R is not allowed in VLDR.
2. The applicant submitted a survey map showing two "cut-out areas" that are 2.5 acres on "Tract 1" and 1.25 acres on "Tract 2." However, because the tract 1 Cut-Out area includes another parcel addressed as 5556 Story Road that is not in the application, it is incomplete. The proposed subdivision map does not show the existing parcel lines that separates 5550 Story Road from 5550 Story Road. The proposed new property lines would leave two dwellings on the same property, which violates the Cobb County Zoning Ordinance Section 134-1.

SURROUNDING AREA: R-30 in the County predominates to the west and south. Within the City is R-15C zoning, which i...

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