APPLICANT: Pastor Anthony Guidry, Intentional Church.
VARIANCE: Change in variance conditions to allow congregation in office/broadcasting suite 155; vary 20% maximum allowed window sign coverage; allow additional suite 180.
LOCATION: 4110 Austell Powder Springs Road, Suites 130 and 155.
ZONING: CRC PIN: 19094600260
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Denial: Additional Suite 180.
Approval: To allow greater than 20% window sign coverage; and to allow assembly use in suite 155.
BACKGROUND: The applicant, Intentional Church, requests approval for a change in variance conditions related to their existing operations in a commercial retail center located at 4110 Austell Powder Springs Road, within the Community Retail Commercial (CRC) zoning district. The church currently occupies suites 130 and 155, with suite 130 designated for assembly and suite 155 for office and broadcasting uses, as per conditions of a previously approved variance under zoning case number PZ24-022. The current request seeks the following modifications:
1. Permission to allow congregation assembly in suite 155, currently designated for office and broadcasting uses.
2. A variance to allow more than the maximum 20% window sign coverage.
3. Approval to occupy an additional suite, suite 180, for institutional use.
While staff is supportive of allowing greater than 20% window sign coverage and assembly use in suite 155, if the signage is generally transparent allowing public safety to see inside the building, staff is not supportive of the expansion to a third suite for institutional use. The original variance imposed limitations to ensure compatibility with other tenants and mitigate potential impacts related to parking and traffic, and expanding into an additional suite raises concerns regarding these factors. The intent of the conditions of the original approval was to mitigate potential impacts on parking, traffic, and other commer...
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