Action Summary:
Resolution to surplus items from the police deaprtment
MIT Supported - Mark All Applicable
☐ Critical Staffing Needs (staffing shortages, retention)
☐ Financial Stability/Sustainability (diverse tax base)
☒ Safety & Protecting Community (code enforcement, stormwater)
☐ Commercial Development
☐ Downtown Development
☐ Tourism (increase share; museum should equitably represent community; events)
☐ Downtown Parking (address parking needs)
☐ Youth Program/Council (community center for youth and seniors; learning gap)
☒ Prepare for Growth and Development (infrastructure in place; annexation; curb cuts; recycling, signage)
Staff Notes
The police department has several items that are in need of surplus. The vehicles, electronic items, radios, and firearms will attempt to be sold. The uniforms and other items have sever there purpose and are in need of replacement. These items will be destroyed as they are expired or of no use.