File #: PZ 21-007
APPLICATION: Smith Douglas Homes
PETITION: The applicant, is initiating a Rezoning request from Single-Family Residential District (R-20) and Medium Density Residential (MDR) Conditional to PUD-R.
A) To vary Section 4-120 (e) to allow for townhome units to not be staggered (Variance withdrawn per applicant)
B) To vary 12-13 (g) to remove more than 75% of existing canopy coverage
C) To vary 12-13 (e) to clear more than 8 acres of the site
D) Section 2-15 (h) - Architecture: requesting to not include 50% brick on front, side of townhomes.
PURPOSE OF THE REQUEST: To construct 35 single-family units and 31 townhome units on approximately 10 acres with a density of 6.5 units per acre.
LOCATION: Land Lots 869 & 870, 19th Districts, Powder Springs, Georgia. 19087000040/ 19087000120/ 19086900280/ 19086900120
ACRES: 10.2 acres
Site Plan
Previous Approval and Current Request
The proposed request is to rezone from Residential (R-20) and Medium Density Residential (MDR) conditional. A portion (3.1 acres) of the subject site was rezoned on March 4, 2019 from R15 to MDR to facilitate a 24-townhome development. The applicant is adding two additional properties to create a larger tract of 10 acres to develop 35 single-family homes and 31 townhomes.
Surrounding Land Use:
There are a variety of zoning districts that are adjacent to the subject site. The north of the subject site is zoned R-15 and MDR along Hopkins Road. The R-15 designation currently consists of single-family lots known as the Ashley Woods subdivision. The property located south of the subject site is zoned CRC and currently consists of a vacant lot and a gas station located at the intersection of Hopkins Road and Powder Springs Road. West of the subject site is zoned R-20 and currently consists of a single-family unit. East of the subject site, at th...
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